Bugs for Re-Testing

This page will feature any page bugs that I think have been fixed and need retesting. 

I'll try and keep this one updated, and will delete comments when I know that things are all good.... so once you've checked them out, please comment here so that I can remove them from the list.

Currently Needing Re-Testing: 

  • Breeding: Where stud rights have been purchased, there should no longer be a bug regarding vet assessment. Instead it should simply show "unknown" for Vet Assessment. **Tentatively greenlighted?**
  • Graduating an apprentice: Pretty sure this has all been fixed now, but would be great if somene else can promote a jockey and sign off on the concept ;-)


  1. Breeding looks good. Hopefully actual breeding is too but no available mare to test and they're darn expensive to buy :P

  2. Horse Transport

    If the Smart Travel home option is only suppose to auto-generate the Arrive By date and time and NOT the home track (the user has to manually change the tracks to their home one) then we're good to go here.

    The date in the Smart Booking drop down adds two zeros after the date ie. 3000 for 30 Apr. That's the only thing that may need fixed.

    1. Cheers. Issues should be fixed now, and we can sign-off this feature.

  3. Confirm/error boxes

    Tons of these came up because of things not implemented yet of course. Gelding and giving away horses work. On refresh after both another page tried to come up and I was redirected temporarily to the custom "This page doesn't work. Report it here. You'll be redirected in 15 seconds" and then I think the whole site refreshed and I was back to the horse I gelded/gave away. I'm guessing until other pages are implemented this will happen. Maybe because those horses aren't owned by me now? I was able to catch on the last test trying to redirect here:


    Other things with popup boxes I was able to try seemed fine. So far so good :)

    1. Yep, well documented Sez.

      Yeah, wherever an error or page not found appears, the error box will be one of the fancy ones now. When it does the redirect, it takes you to one of three places: Logout, or when there's a bug it takes you back to the 'home' page (not yet implemented!) or on standard error, back to the page you were viewing.

      I'll keep an eye on the first bit you mention about "refresh after gelding"... that shouldn't cause a problem, but chances are the issue you saw was because of the Home page not being implemented yet.

  4. Here's another one, On searching for an apprentice jockey, I searched for one jockey, then pressed the "next" button taking it a page forward, when I pressed back there was no longer any jockey there. I.E. I lost my jockey search.

    1. Yes - there shouldn't be a "next" or "previous" button for apprentice searches, because each 5 jockeys costs $5k to search for.

      I've now corrected this by hiding/disabling the next/previous buttons when an apprentice search is triggered.

  5. I think you might get sick of me ;-) hehe

  6. Problem graduating an apprentice jockey 2 days before his term is up.
    Chose: Class 6, Offer 28 day contract and graduate to full licence.
    also tried all other classes.
    Error: "Problem Encountered - 200 OK". Then straight afterwards another popup error box says "Problems were encountered, please try again".
    I've not tried with graduating straight to the agency as I don't want to lose the Jockey. (On my account not YS)

    1. Fix is in place - was about the system not correctly verifying cost with the stable bank

    2. Nope, guess again. Same errors. It's his last day now so I'm going to have to graduate him, but can test using YS on another appy.

  7. Hmm interesting, it SEEMS, that the errors came up but the transaction went through anyway, the jockey is now a pro and with a contract end date of 6th Aug, but on the new TK version it looks like it didn't work. Maybe error messages not bypassed if successful? It's done it... and on old TK all looks fine. Just new TK says he's still an appy. Lets log out and in again...... *goes off to do*.... Ok now he's reported as a pro.

    1. It's definitely fixed now - there was a typo in one of the variable names, so it was triggering a warning but still making all the updates.

      Have used the graduation process myself without error now.

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  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I give in. How do you breed? Isn't it all sorted or is that just auctioning for stud?
    I can't find a button.

  11. Young Sam has training hours allocated. It says 13 hours available / 33 hours per week. Selling to the public: 5 hours / 5 hours able to be sold. I understand where the 33 hours are coming from, I understand where the 5 hours are coming from but the 13 hours is befuddling me totally. I know it's going to confuse quite a few people.

    1. That's quite similar to what's on display at the moment, isn't it? So you think it should also say "Assigned: 20 hrs"?

    2. OK, what I've done is to add a little extra text to the "help" about what influences the amount of training you can sell.

  12. Whatever you have done it's sorted it completely, it now says I have 5 hours available which i do. I've not changed anything as far as I can remember but I have noticed this 13 hour thing before, it's now making sense.
    It was 33 hours in total and only 5 hours unallocated but it was reporting 13 hours available... which didn't make sense. it's reporting correctly now.
    I should have taken a screen shot really, but anyway... fixed now.

  13. What are you doing at the moment? Anything we can test? I've played with Blogs and other new stuff and can't come up with anything that Sez hasn't mentioned in email.

    1. Hi,

      At the moment I'm working on lots of other contract work....the past couple weeks I haven't done much on TKV2 except for some minor bug-fixes :-(

      Things might actually slow down too - more info when it comes to hand.
      This project will still be developed, but I may have much less free time to work on it. I don't have all the facts yet so not entirely sure.
