Completed Pages/Functions

The following list should be up-to-date with details about all pages and functions that are working.Items in RED have been updated within the past week and/or not sufficiently tested
  1. General Layout
    • Windows & animations
    • Docking windows to the Hot-tab
    • Refreshing windows
    • News Ticker
    • Outbid/Bid popups
    • Display mode (Tiled windows or single window)
    • Style switcher (default, colour, or negative modes)
    • Error reporting
    • Sort horse list by age/rating/name
    • Back button
    •  Caching of windows, so that once viewed the window should be pre-loaded every time it is opened.***
  2. Horse Page
    • General view
    • Experience & Form, and increases/decreases
    • Horse Schedule (incl cancelling items and training data)
    • Career & Season Results
    • Horse History Tab
    • GM Actions
    • Family Tree
    • Genetics
    • Vet/Training changes & Reports
    • Schedule Transport
    • List horse for Auction
    • List for Stud
    • Service Mare
    • Geld Stallion
    • Rename horse
    • Give horse away
    • Bidding on Auctions
    • List of horses/jockeys in stable (for other stables) 
  3. Jockey Page
    • General View
    • Experience & Form
    • Schedule (incl cancelling items)
    • Career & Season Results
    • Jockey History Tab
    • Jockey Traits Description
    • GM Actions
    • Rename Jockey (please let me know if you use - it's not monitored by GMs!)
    • Schedule Transport 
    • Haggling with a Jockey
    • Signing a Jockey 
    • Firing a jockey 
    • Extending Jockey Contract
    • Training Apprentice Jockeys
    • Sending Apprentices to the Races 
    • Graduating an Apprentice Jockey
  4. Jockeys Search
    • Search for Professional Jockeys
    • Add/Remove Criteria
    • Sort/List by criteria
    • Check recent Jockey Contract action throughout the game
    • Find Ex-Apprentices
    • Hire New Apprentices
  5. Training Page
    • View Training Schedule & Staff
    • Amend staff levels
    • Amend training schedule
    • See historical training reports * from previous weeks
    • Sort horses by various criteri
  6.  Vet Page
    • View Schedule & Staff
    • Amend Staff levels
    • Amend Schedule
    • Sort horses by various criteria
  7. Auction Page
    • Search for horses
    • Add/remove Criteria
    • Sort list by various criteria
    • Bid on horses
    • Quick compare   
  8. Stables
    • Add/Edit/View Blogs
    • Add/Delete/View Guestbook messages
    • Like/Dislike Blogs and Guestbook messages
    • Calendar (slightly more info than original TK) 
    • Current Events section 
    • Renaming your Stable
    • Changing Stable logo
    • Career & Season Results
    • Stable Achievements (history) 

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