Friday 4 April 2014

Auctions Bug

Auctions Bug

Found a major issue on the Auctions page today, which was a real headache to fix. The bug didn't apply to the "Horse" page, only when placing a bid on a horse direct from the Auctions List.

Basically, it was ignoring the number that you entered, and simply placing the "default" bid value.

(For those that like a bit of tech thinking) - The reason was because the row of data about the horse is "copied" into the table from a hidden area on the page (it can't be a permanent part of the table or else it will disappear when the table gets sorted)... the original form had already been created and cloned, but when re-inserted into the page it needed to have javascript events setup again otherwise it was still pointing to the original copy in memory. For some reason the cloned javascript events weren't cutting it.

Anyways, bottom line - anytime you want to do anything on Auctions, it would be REALLY appreciated if you can use the new TK and test it out... feel free to try unusual stuff and see how it responds.... it's currently the most technically complicated page in the new TK, so it would be great if you guys can see if it stands up to a bit of punishment.



  1. Am I right in thinking that the YP auction option is not yet programmed? Tried today and got an error message. As soon as I can find a decent 2yo to buy, will try to remember to use the new page.

    1. Yep, you're right Rhed, Yearlings not functional yet. As new pages and functions come online, I'll mention them specifically and give pointers about what sort of stuff I'd like tested.

      At the moment things are still progressing "semi" slowly because I'm still building up a lot of infrastructure. Things should accelerate quite a bit later on once I can start tapping into code thats already written.

  2. I played around some with auctions. Bought someone's used up Yearling no problem. Put in some "random" numbers to bid on an expensive horse I knew someone else wasn't going to let go. Things appeared to update fine.

    Sadly, I don't have the desire nor the funds to get into a betting war last minute with someone. That is probably worth testing to make sure the auction continues past end time as necessary.

    1. Hooray I won an auction! A real one with a decent 2yo not just someone's used up yearling. Best I can tell everything is fine. I have the horse in both TK versions.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Small detail but when I made a bid, I could only see 'bid has be...' and the rest was cut off under the icons.

    1. Really?? Hmmm.... investigating, and seems you must have a reasonably low resolution on your monitor?

      I've now added a little bit of code to ensure that it always leaves a break

  4. I put my newborn foal up for sale with a reserve of $100 (hundred). New TK pops the first default bid to $1000 (thousand). I found similar examples when searching auctions. Forcing minimum bids of $1k?

    1. Need an edit button here.

      I manually altered a bid on a similar horse down to $100 and it took it. Expecting the auto fill-in to the under $1k like in current TK. Not a big thing here of course just small annoyance.

    2. Actually, I think a minimum bid of $1k is probably reasonable ;-)
      I'm gonna put that forwards in TK at the end of the season. There's also another change coming which will absolutely prevent anyone bidding on a horse where the owner matched IP in the past 4 weeks.

    3. Hmm so no more bidding on your own horse?

    4. That will still be allowed - just other stables that you match with in the last 28 days.

  5. This is one seems a little more important thus a new post.

    I made a test bid for the above issue. I wanted to see my bid and then continue browsing auctions so refreshed the auction window. Cleared my list to the default auction page and I had to search again from the start. Possible to have a Refresh option in the individual horse auction window like when putting a horse up for auction?

    Hope that made sense.

    1. Seems like just a visual issue here. Tried to submit a $100 bid twice and was told I needed $1100. Just requires an extra step in clicking on the horse in the auction list to bring up the horse window and see the new bid. Lazy/efficient bidders might want to stay in the general auction list.

    2. OK, I've added two fixes here:

      1/ When placing a bid, it should update the minimum bid appropriately; and
      2/ a button for each auction box to refresh the auction. It only works once every 15 no problem if people try spamming it ;-)

      How does that work for you? Does that fix the problem for you?

    3. Refresh button is awesome. And bids update instantly too which sort of negates the button but it's all good. Last minute bidding wars and power bidders should benefit from the button.

      Good job!

  6. A little thing that should be easy to fix I would think...

    Sorting a list of auctions by price isn't sorting correctly. I added a Price filter and a test from 0-10,000 did well but I expanded to 50,000 and it went bonkers again. The other columns seem to sort correctly on quick check though.

    Also the mouse hover description on Price is mis-spelled.

    1. Ah, looks like the Age sort is incorrect too. It's sorting them as if they are "text strings" and not as if they are numeric.

      I'll get a fix into that one over the weekend I hope. Cheers.

    2. I swore Age was fine. I must have blinked :P

      Sounds good!

    3. Just confirming I've fixed the sort order for Age and price

    4. Looks good! Thank-you.

    5. Er now Auction End time messes up.

      Of all scenarios it's when the search results are under the page max. 50 matches, mares, ages 4-10 is what I was searching for when I noticed.


    6. This has always behaved this way too ;-) The problem is because we're going into a new month.... when all results fall within the one month, you won't see any problem.

      I'm not prepared to spend time on fixing this one just now, but thanks for pointing it out. I'll add it to a page of "low priority known bugs"

    7. I have Random Access Memory and some areas are corrupt at that so yeah I might have noticed before or even mentioned it before for all I know. :)

      It can be resolved by just doing the search again or not sorting. Most players will just refine their search from the beginning I think and that's enough for them.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh and the main bug I wanted to report which prompted the above one but I had no where else to put it...

    Went to test breeding with a stud I bought stud rights to (that seems ok best I can tell) but have this in the breeding screen:

    Notice: Undefined index: vetrate in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 172

    I didn't actually go through with breeding and won't. Was playing with auctions.

    1. If you have any more purchased studrights, go ahead and test this one again.

  9. I think this is only an issue in Firefox. Didn't seem to be a problem in Chrome. I can check with Internet Explorer but you'll have to really twist my arm :P

    Not sure what you can do for a browser issue but it's about the confirmation popup you get when closing Hot Tabs. After a couple closes, you're asked if you want to prevent future dialog popups from coming up. Checking this option breaks the ability to close any of the Hot Tabs going forward.

    Oddly enough however, I went to bid on a horse (a stud for the above issue) within the Auction page and the bid didn't go through but took me to the horse page. The Hot Tabs were cleared by this (the underlying bid confirmation popup dialog I guess). Nice little workaround if needed :)

    1. OK, I've finally gotten around to implementing nice alert/confirm messages. I'm pretty sure I've tested them all.

      Anyway, this should prevent the behaviour you've described, add a nicer visual experience, and hopefully be bug free!!

  10. Forgotted which email I used to sign in here. Checking in to keep the fire burning. Note for future because I'll forget - The injected bot horses don't show correct XP plus other weird things probably because of being injected into the system. Possibly overlap with the server move/upgrade that occurred after TKv2 was created as well.

    For example numbers are calculated differently. I put a horse up for auction in TKv2 for slightly more than max reserve. Woo!
