Thursday 20 March 2014

General News, Issues and Requests

How this works

I'll create new blog posts with each item I start working on, which will be great places for you to post your feedback about those pages and features.

But, for features that I haven't started working on, or any issues that don't really relate to any particular page, it's probably best for people to place their comments and feedback here. Cheers!

General Testing Procedures
  • When a bug has been mentioned as being "fixed", you'll probably need to do a full refresh to get all the new code (ie click the refresh button at the top of the page, not the small window).
  • If there's been a fix to the overall layout of the page, you might need to empty your cache as well as refresh
  • If there's been a fix to the colour/negative layouts, you will definitely need to empty your cache as well as refresh. These layouts will definitely not be updated with just a basic refresh.
  • If you encounter a problem, please try to give as much feedback about the problem as possible. Include details of:
    • the page you were on;
    • the action you tried to take(ie clicked whatever link, clicked refresh etc)
    • the result you saw. Sometimes exact wording of errors is important to help debug
    • any other information that you have on hand. For example, if you use "Firebug", maybe you can copy/paste results from the "console"


  1. Just gave my YP away using the new design. Seemed fine but when I refreshed on the 'horse summary' page on the old site, it is not showing up in the lefthand section but the smaller 'Horses' box on the right is still showing Leadfoot as being in my stable.

  2. Appears to be a delay from new site to current site. I get this bug too.

    Password to confirm giving away is a nice feature though.

  3. Horse just isn't being removed from that particular list I guess. Clicking on the horse in the current site shows it was given away.

    1. The old site, your list of horses is generated each night. The old site re-generates the list every time you add/remove a horse. The new site does not trigger that refresh though - but they're not meant to work "together" so not really worried about this problem.

  4. Okay time to talk about the negative color scheme. I love it actually and will probably be my preferred scheme.

    However some of the text is hard to read. Pretty much only noticed this in the Auction page. Grey on grey basically in the search criteria area - the titles for each search option. The selectable boxes are fine. Similar areas like in the horse quick view or in the auction tabs have a darker grey or white and that works well. The other schemes use black so worse case could go to that.

    The other area is in the Auctioned for Sale/Stud boxes both in the auction list and the horse page. White on yellow. Seems worse on the horse page to me. If the white can be much bolder or use black again like the other schemes or some other combo that is better.

    Relatively low priority of course but many thanks when you get around to it.

    1. Rhed will love to hear that comment lol! She really really dislikes that colour scheme :-D

      Out of the 3, it's the one that has had the least work put into year, if you can reply to this post with any other pages that cause clashes on the colour scheme, I'll lump them all together and let you know when a fix is in place.

    2. I live in a very cloudy part of the world and rather prefer the darkness - not my fault :P

      I guess I'll have to wait until you have the whole site finished. Perhaps I can group color scheme and typoes :)

    3. Horse history is really bad with the neg. I think a black background would work well there instead of changing the text color.

    4. OK, if you clear your cache, I think the hi-colour and negative colour palettes are much mroe acceptable. They're not perfect, but they're definitely better.

      Alternatively, visit the following two pages and click refresh to update them manually:
